Terms & Conditions

Are you ready to work with us? If yes, then go through our terms and conditions. If you agree to adhere to our regulations, then congrats, you have shaken hands with the company that will help you grow in a way you would not have imagined.

1. Terms

You agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this website that may affect your area. If you disagree with these terms, you are not allowed to use or access this website. Appropriate copyright and trademark laws shield our website.

2. Use Permission

The materials (information or software) on Official Web Solution’s website may be temporarily downloaded once for private, non-commercial viewing purposes only. The terms of this license forbid the following:

  • Using materials for any commercial or public exhibition, whether it be for profit or not
  • Attempt to reverse-engineer or decompile any software on the Thrive Agency website
  • Removing copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials, giving the materials to someone else, or “mirroring” the materials on another server are all acceptable uses.

To use this website, you must abide by these restrictions. This termination may be made at any moment by Official Web Solution. You are required to destroy any printed or electronic copies of the materials you have downloaded after skimming materials or when this license is canceled.

3. Disclaimer

The website of Official Web Solution provides all of its content “as is.” In addition, we specifically disclaim any implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, suitability for a particular purpose, non-infringement of intellectual property or other rights, and any other express or implied claims.

4. Limitations

None of our suppliers will be responsible for any damages, be it due to the loss of data, profit, or business interruption. Even if our authorized representative has been informed orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. These exclusions might not apply to you because some jurisdictions do not permit implied warranty exclusions or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages.

5. Revisions and Errata

Technical, grammatical, or photographic errors could be possible on our company’s website. However, we reserve the right to change all without any prior notice. However, we keep updating our policies and conditions with regard to current changes and laws imposed by State.

6. Links

Those servers linked to its Internet page and not responsible for their content do not control our business website. Any link does not imply sponsorship by Thrive Agency of the site just because it is included. The user uses these linked websites at their own risk.

7. Site Terms of Use Modifications

These terms and conditions for using the website of Official Web Solution are subject to modification at any moment and without notice. By using this website, you consent to the then-current version of these Terms & Conditions of Use.

8. Governing law

Texas law, without regard to its rules on conflicts of law, shall govern any claim relating to our website.

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